You can now interact with via SMS!

LetTheWord's US number is 313-202-4253 (313-20BIBLE)

LetTheWord's UK number is +44 20 3322 1589

  1. On the "My Profile" tab, fill in your mobile number in the blank on the right
  2. Click "Save"
  3. In your phone, save the phone number above, perhaps as "Bible" or "Let the Word"
  4. Now you are in business!

To post your reading, just text it exactly as you would have entered it on the web site; i.e, "Matt 1" or "1 Cor 5"

To find out what was the last chapter you posted, text a single "?"

You can also CALL the LetTheWord number to find out what was the last chapter you posted.

Got any ideas for SMS functions? Let us know! Email

Ph. (404) 667 4875